Monday, May 15, 2006

"The climate of poverty"

The climate of poverty: facts, fears and hope, a new report by John McGhie for Christian Aid, looks worthwhile, and I look foward to reading it. Some quick comments ahead of that:
  • The number 185 million (for those who could die in sub-Saharan Africa of diseases directly attributable to climate change) sounds impossibly precise.
  • It is said that the report strongly recommends small-scale solar power, estimating that an investment of $50bn could provide electricity to 500m people in this way. How will this sit with the point by Andrew Scott of Practical Action that "the right technologies are not necessarily new technologies"?
It would have been great to give advance notice of Christian Aid's work in a note printed with the interview with John Houghton. But it seems they didn't want anything going out before today.

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